Friday, April 04, 2008

F&L Chapter 53: Herbivore Now up in FP and Soompi

Here's a light chapter. Some humor and yeah, some cheesy ones too.

Chapter 53 in FP

Chapter 53 in Soompi

As you may have noticed, the previous chapters and this one has been a little bit like 'filler chapters' (well, not really. These chapters are necessary, but compared to the other ones, they don't contribute much to the plot). This is because I am establishing a smooth transition from drama to heavy emotional drama to a little comedy (like this one) then later to heavy action. I'm just doing a little 'building-up' as far as the characters are concerned.

And while things are getting a little too romantic around these past few chapters, I'd say they would be really necessary. As much as possible, the bond between the characters (Ayane to Kosuke, Kosuke to his friends, Kosuke to his father and mother, Ayane to Crosse... Ayane to Aya.. and the list goes on...) must be stressed in preparation for the later chaps. There are still pending scenes like the second half of the 'Reminiscences' and the big 'heavy action' transition I was talking about. I don't want to 'shock' my readers by putting those scenes right away.

As you might have expected from the very first time you opened this story, this is a "gangster" fic... and with the present chapters, there hasn't been a "full-blow" of "gangster-ness" in the story - up to this point, just little fights here and there, puny school brawls, nothing much, eh? However, this would be reserved for later. Lots of things are still bound to happen, lots of secrets to be revealed, and yeah... Ayane's gonna go "mad" at some point. That's the "heavy action" part I'm talking about. I hope that you, the reader, will still be there to give it a read ^_^.

Thanks again to all the readers ~ hiro

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