Sunday, August 29, 2010

Chapter 06: Sue's Ego now up

Chapter 6: Sue's Ego
now posted on Fictionpress and Soompi Forums. New poster from Vincent too.

I'm very excited about going back to writing. I'm keeping my fingers crossed (as usual) to having constant (if not frequent) updates for Vena Cava. I'm also very excited to unfold the plot from here on. Introduction had been quite long and now I'm ready to introduce you to many characters I have yet to reveal. I'm also looking forward to presenting the twists in this story which, although I have not put into writing yet, have been mapped out in my mind for the time interval I've 'vanished' from Fictionpress/Soompi.

I'm also working on the .doc version of Fists and Lipsticks. In fact, I'm half-way done. Here's a sneak peak of how it would look like in the final version:

Pretty cool huh?

Thanks for reading the latest chapter!