Friday, July 18, 2008

The Silver Crescent Chapter 6,& 7 uploaded

Lately, I've been really lazy updating my writing blog. Will someone please hit me on the head?


Anyway, here -

Chapter 6 in Fictionpress & Soompi
Chapter 7 in Fictionpress & Soompi

Well, Chapter 6 must be the most hated chapter of the Anti-Saori Club hehe... It just proves that my writing is effective in relaying that feeling. I created Saori's character to cause such pester and annoyance, not only to the characters but also to the readers. Bad news is, you're going to read more of her in the succeeding chapters.

Chapter 7 named 'Orders' particulary offers a glimpse of how Kosuke and Ayane are as 'gang leaders'. There would be an appearance of Dmitri Williams in this chapter too, and a face off between Nu Huang and the doubtful Yuken, who has turned into a professional photographer as you have read.

Who is Ayane meeting? Lots have been speculating that she's meeting Crosse... Well, let's see in the next chapter who that person will be (hehehe...)
