So I've been suffering from a massive lack of motivation to write these past couple of months. This should be my worst 'writer's block' if you may call it. Not that I didn't know how my story would take it's course from where it left off. It's just that it's so hard for me to simply pick up my laptop and do the job. Writing takes so much time and, being the busy person I've become due to my preparations for my wedding, I couldn't really pull things together as easier as I did before.
That was until Meia and Pamie came up with this awesomeness. Jesus Christ, it's like suddenly turning to Super Saiyan mode! Now my fingers are tingling to write the next chapter.
By the way, I'm nearing completion of the F&L Book 2 .PDF version. I'll get it up here once it's ready for grabs.
Thank you so much for the overwhelming support! I still can't believe that until now people are still reading and appreciating my stories.