Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Merging Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 of LLS

Quick announcement: As I write Chapter 3 for Lessons for Lady Sin, I decided to merge it to Chapter 2. The reason is that I shortened chapter 3 to avoid making the story drag. I wanted each chapter to push the story, not prolong it with unnecessary dialogues/scenes. With my cuts, Chapter 3 ended up to be less than 3000 words - too short. That's why instead of posting Chapter 2, I am currently re-editing the chapters to make it fit into one.

I will post the chapters when I'm done. Sorry for the inconvenience of the delay. Also, I MIGHT not post the new chapters in Soompi. I would try, but because the editing feature is temporarily removed from the forums, edits/corrections in the chapters may not be up-to-date. For now, I suggest reading the story either in Fictionpress or Wattpad. Links are on the sidebar.