Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Chapter 5 - Sue's Stalker now posted

The long overdue update of Vena Cava - Chapter 5 - Sue's Stalker is now up in Fictionpress.

Will be posting on Soompi later this day.

Copy-pasted note:

A/N: Thank you for reading the latest chapter of Vena Cava. This is way overdue again and I apologize for the delay again. Aside from the faulty internet connection, I actually left for a couple of weeks to visit my mom back in Beijing. Also, I made a couple of changes in the sequence of events. The chapter is also longer now from the previous 20 pages now up to 24. This is not only to compensate for the long update interval but I decided to sprinkle a lot of clues in this chapter. If you are observant, you’ll be able to catch them.

I won’t post when my next update will be. I don’t know why it had become a jinx. Each time I announce my updates, they always get delayed (unlike in F&L). So for Vena Cava, just expect surprise updates.

I just found out today that Vena Cava had been nominated in Fictionpress for Most Creative Plot – Incomplete. The contest is called ‘Some Kind of Romance’ or simply 'SKoW' (pretty cool name for a contest, in my opinion. It reminds me of a movie someway back). Thank you to whomever that person was who nominated my story.

For any questions or inquiries, please e-mail them to me directly at hlarucea@hotmail.com. I usually open my emails via my mobile phone so I get to access it more often that FP & Soompi. If that won’t be possible, you can post here or e-mail Meia. She goes online more often that I do.

God bless you all and I hope you liked he chapter. Any criticism is welcomed, especially constructive ones. Please inform me of any spelling and/or grammar errors I might have missed. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

- Hiro