Friday, November 23, 2007

F&L Chapter 24: The Star That Shines UP in FP and Soompi

A quick update, yes... Because originally, this part should be part of the previous chapter. However, I don't think a 16-page single chap is a good idea so I kinda decided to break it into two.

This chapter is one of the highlights of the story. I particularly enjoyed writing this one. Funnily, during the previous chap people were anticipating that they would actually do 'it'. But yeah, I'm sticking to the T-rating ^_^. Keiko to the rescue, that is...

This is the chapter where Kosuke finally realizes something --- watch out for it!

F&L Chapter 23: First Night UP in FP and Soompi

Here's the link to

And the link to Soompi Forums:

This chapter took me almost a week to make and edit. You'll know why once you finish reading it. Haha.

Its just that I kinda find it hard to put details in 'love scenes'. Well, it isn't exactly the 'all-out' type of love scene, but somehow I'd like to present it in such a way that it is 'romantically sweet', not 'romantically perverted', if you know what I mean.

Well, hope you like it! Thanks to the reviews: from FP, Soompi, Multiply, or e-mails. You guys know who you are.