Tuesday, January 01, 2008

F&L Chapter 33: Pretense up in FP and Soompi

The first story that updates in Fictionpress > Manga Section is Fists and Lipsticks! ^_^


Read C33 in Soompi

Happy New Year Everyone!

This chapter takes you on a sneak peak behind Aya x Crosse relationship. Some hints are given, so it's up to you to speculate *grins*.

And as I've said in the previous author notes, the story already climbing towards its climax. There would be a cut-down on introductions as F&L's secrets begin to unravel. The significant role of Yamazaki Daisuke as well as the Spectra and the Miyazawa Gang and some political themes will now enter. Hence, expect this previously "light" highschool drama become quite complicated. But dont' worry, I'll maintain it on a certain point that it still has the 'romance' factor and the overall 'easy-read'.

Again, thank you for your time reading the fic. I know that it is quite long, but I promise to do my best to make each chapter appealing for your reading pleasure ^_^.