Sunday, February 24, 2008

Reminiscence Part 1 & 2 up!

Here it is - the first 2 of the 4 part "Flashback" chapters that would tell about Miyazawa Aya's past and how she came to the situation she is in right now.

This would answer a great fraction of the questions that I've planted in the previous chapters, although not entirely. You'll see a part of her childhood, how she came to meet her gang mates, how she landed in a race then later an underground race, how she met Crosse Williams and Yoshida Ayane in America, and the 'accident' they were talking about.

Here are the links:

Fictionpress 46 & 47

Soompi 46 & 47

After the 4-part flashback chapters, you'll surely love the next one *grins*.

Friday, February 15, 2008

F&L Chapter 45 Up in FP and Soompi

Wow, FP actually has some cool new updates. This time, it's easier to edit newly uploaded documents since the file does not disappear in the archive right after updating.

To the readers, I'm sorry for the late update. You see, this week was pretty busy for Meia and I. It was Meia's birthday last Feb13 then Valentines Day on the 14th, so yeah it was pretty busy (and we were pretty busy, haha! Leave it to your imagination *grins*.

Enough of that, this is my fiction blog, not my personal life's blog for heaven's sake!


This chapter is really long (14 pages). I originally planned to break it into two chapters, but then to make up for the late update, I decided to upload them all altogether. Finally, Aya and Kosuke meets again after more than a month and he surely missed her huh? And yeah, it was a pretty emotional scene... and a little surprise... and little revelations right and left.

From here on, the story would mellow down a bit from action to drama... Like one reviewer said, Aya has some massive explaining to do!

Hope you'll still be there to catch the next chapter! Thanks for reviewing and reading!

Saturday, February 09, 2008

F&L Chapter 44 up in FP and Soompi

44 in Fictionpress

44 in Soompi

A chapter of moderate-length... but some other revelations revealed here. And the whole Tsuzuya now knows of the 'big-secret', but everything does not end there. There are still many unanswered questions.

I consider this as a transitional chapter though, just like the INTERLUDE chap. The next chapter's going to be big too. Yes, Kosuke and Aya are about to see each other after a long time! You wouldn't wanna miss that huh?

Thanks to all the reviewers of Chapter 43 BTW. I gained a lot of readers apparently, although not all of them left a review. In Fictionpress, I gained more than 2,000 hits and some new subscribers. Same went with Soompi, where people are really excessively nice ^_^.

Thanks thanks thanks, everyone!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

The BIG Chapter 43 now up in FP and Soompi

That was a big bulk of info I let out here... *sigh*

But hey, it went great huh?

Chapter 43 in FP

Chapter 43 in Soompi

An error for the previous installment, btw. I uploaded Chapter 43 earlier in Fictionpress, only to realize later that I actually uploaded the unedited file. I immediately re-uploaded the chapter after spotting the horrendous spelling and grammar mistakes in the final version (tsk tsk tsk...).

And yes, Aya finally appears in this chapter. Well, I could say - - the Ayas *grins*

But still the mystery lingers huh? What could be the reason behind this? Well, I guess you have to continue reading to find that one out ^_^.

The next chapter will cater a lot more action... But there would be a transition from action to drama in the latter parts. Why? Because I wouldn't want to kill you with heart attack by putting the suspense one after another after another after another... You might sue me in court :( - - poor hiro... (lol)

Well I hope you liked this chapter. If you have any inquiries, feel free to e-mail me, alright?

And again, silent readers are welcomed ^_^ Just don't plagiarize my work. I'll get really mad if that happens.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

F&L Chapter 42 up in FP and Soompi

Yup, a fast update for the weekend ^_^

42 in Fictionpress

42 in Soompi

There's a big revelation in this chapter - and I bet you NEVER saw that coming *grins*.

Wow, I'm actually very excited to reveal the secrets one by one. I also feel good reading the speculations from the readers and I feel good that although the guesses were NEAR my actual plan, still no one guessed it 'exactly'. So that must mean my stealth is working pretty well *hahaha*.

Thanks to the readers... Really you guys know who you are. Thanks from the bottom of my heart!