Lots of questions answered in this installment:
1. Who are the original members of the Miyazawa Gang?
2. How did Miyazawa Aya learn how to fight?
3. Who is Tanaka Seiichi's (a member of Yoshida Ayane's fake Miyazawa Gang) older brother? How is he related to Miyazawa Aya?
4. How did Ayane and his father, Yoshida Akira, come to Japan?
It's getting to the big part... And I already feel the climb of this story towards its climax ^_^
Thanks to the readers - especially to KittyKaiya & Kaiyako Kagami from Fictionpress and the bunch of kind reviewers from Soompi Forums, non-silent & silent readers alike.
BTW, here are the links:
58 in Fictionpress
58 in Soompi
Thanks everyone!