Saturday, November 04, 2006

Since everyone's in it... Why not?

Since everyone's into podcasting and blogging and stuff, I thought that it might be a good idea after all. I'm never into stuff like Friendster and MySpace and blogging at LiveJournal or Xanga or Blogger. May seem a little 'corny' at first, but hey, this IS still writing. Makes a good diversion, especially during a long rest in writing at and with some tedious school works.

I'm actually quite busy doing some school works for my research. Last year in college is really quite a shift. It pulls away from you so much of your leisure time. Instead, you find yourself too indulged in things that are fractionated for your future. It's like I feel that I am really growing older and older with the greater stuff assigned for me to bear. It's like you're being sucked in a whole new dimension. It's like you're given a new pair of eyes. It's a time when multivitamins do not seem to work. Stress, stress, and more stress.

Despite a lot of things to do and an awfully immense pressure rushing into my system, as much as possible I try to compose myself and still find time to do those things I'm fond of doing, though this time, the time is lessened enormously. In my freshmen and sophomore years, I go to the gym at least thrice a week and stay for about 2-3 hours. I get to play Need for Speed at the PS2 for hours and hours and surf the net till I drop. I even get to continue writing a really long novel titled 'Zero Dragon', which I post in with no writer's block at all. Ideas just *poofs* and *blams* to my head instantly, non-stop. I get to update 1 episode every 1 or 2 weeks, but now my last update was last May and alas I haven't started the next episode yet.

Things had been really rocky between Meia and I too. She has to move to Florida next month, yet we're both busy to be even preparing for the departure. It's gonna be a long time till we see each other again. Aside from my girlfriend, there's my mom to worry about. She's had this fracture on her left arm from an accidental fall from a bench just a week ago, and I'm deciding whether to fly back to Manila to check her out when I have my thesis literally seizing me.

A diversion is what I need! Or a freakin' vacation at Hawaii... Somebody give me a plane ticket to Hawaii! (and pocket money too *smiles... then grins*)

Hey, this journal thing is fun after all. I think I'll be back more often. Drop the stupid thesis! Ranting is good sometimes. ~@~Current Mood: and VERY hungry

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